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Lose Weight with Yoga taller.Karen Zebroff, who used to have a TV yoga exercise program, is credited with having brought yoga to the North American public in the 1970s. Yoga literally changed every aspect of her life. She lost weight – about twenty pounds – and the weight she continued to carry was distributed better on her bod...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Abundance is Under Your Nose
...e reactions. If you know in your heart that your ideas will result in solutions, toward “the end of suffering,” and they will not harm anyone, then you cannot “sit on your hands.” Do not be afraid to take a chance, when you have a good idea, which can help others.In the words of William Shakespeare: “To thine own self be true.” Take the time for sel...more
Yoga Mats Guide
...s the capacity to last a long time. If you're the type to toss about your exercise items, stuff them in the car or have children that may play on them, high durability will go a long way. Is the yoga mat lightweight as well as easy to carry or will you be running up a sweat just transporting it? Also, you don't want any nasty foot funguses or smells to invade y...more
Kegel Exercise for a Healthy Pregnancy
...ze those muscles for a few seconds and then relax. Repeat this every few seconds. It's as simple as that. Nobody even has to know that you're doing them. Just make sure you breathe while doing the kegal exercises.It's important that you don't overdo your kegel exercise in the first few weeks after birth. Otherwise, you may become very sore. Three sets of ten r...more
The Benefits of Power Yoga
...body system through the sweat the body excretes during power yoga session.- Power yoga also serves as a great warm up or training activity for all sorts and types of athletes.- Power yoga, when done regularly would help improve an athlete’s overall performance especially in demanding sports like golf, football, cycling an of course, s...more


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