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Have You all Heard of "Chair Yoga"?
... all Heard of "Chair Yoga"? While surfing the world-wide web for information on writing an article for my blog, I stumbled on a new style of Yoga, known as among all things “Chair Yoga” and dig this, they actually have a program known as an instruction course for teaching handicap (aka chair) yoga for interested parties to learn how to teach it!I guess this leads to the next question; w...more
Weight Loss - Benefits of Yoga and Exercise
... lose thigh fat. Fats around the waist line increases with the age leading to obesity and plumpness. There are many medicines to reduce waistlines, but these medicines are unable to bring a permanent change. Performing exercises along with nutritious diet only results in reducing fat. Burning more calories is the only way to reduce obesity and plumpness, and proper exercises ...more
The 4 Paths of Yoga
...he path of service, and none of us can escape this pathway. The principle of Karma Yoga is that what we experience today is created by our actions in the past. So if what goes around comes around - we will be inclined to live a less selfish life. It teaches us to detach ourselves from the results of our actions, lets us let go of the ego, and purify the heart. Bhakti yoga - (devotio...more
Designing a Plan to Become a Yoga Teacher, Part 2
...tance, via email, or telephone, from the intern who has purchased the Yoga teacher course. Make sure you get answers if you are “stuck” during your Yoga teacher internship.What are your goals in regard to your Yogic career? Plan long term and short term goals, but add your continuing education to both lists. At least, ...more
Yoga Postures For Infertility
...en doing yoga for at least 3-4 months ovulate more often and more regular compare to women who have never done yoga before.If you are after 35 and have a dream to have a baby, start yoga first before you rush to have invasive treatments and tests regarding fertility. According to the last research a general improvement in...more


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