
Manteca Yoga Mat


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Universal Laws of Yoga - Part 1
...nounced within a group of Bhakti Yoga practitioners.To put it simply, Yoga is the union of mind, body, and spirit for complete health. There are far more benefits to be realized through the constant practice of Hatha Yoga, or any other kind of Yoga, but this is the foundation of “unity.” Physical mastery is construc...more
The Relationship between Yoga, Meditation, and Self-Hypnosis
...icing Yoga, martial arts, meditation, self-hypnosis, and religion in secret. Families practiced together secretly to avoid drawing attention to them.Attention to yourself is not desired in any suppressive society. To become the custodian of a healing method is one thing, but to risk your life for it, is truly brave. For this, and many other reasons, these people are the unsung h...more
Purpose of Yoga - From Thought to Action
... is inspired.Getting back to purpose, once you have found a purpose that is ethical, and gives you self-worth, you are on your way toward action. The next step is to develop a plan of action.Yet, your attitude must be programmed, with positive information, to constantly keep your dream alive. This is “attitude building time.” If you want to maintain a good attitude, you should consult with som...more
Bikram Yoga - Hot, New Energy Source
...very body. Yoga is the only exercise from which you gain energy instead of burning it and it doesn't matter how well you do each of the postures, only that you do it the right way. Traditional cardio exercise works on 3-10% of the body, Yoga exercises 100% of the body, from bone to the skin, from head to the toes, and to every organ, gland, tissue and cell.Bikram Yoga is p...more
The Many Benefits of Yoga
...during which time people have greatly benefited from it. 1 of the fundamental beliefs shared by yogis is that the mind and the body are a unified system, which in a proper environment, can find harmony and self-healing.Demonstrated Health BenefitsMany doctors consider yoga to have therapeutic results, and recommend it for several ill...more


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