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The Abode of Peace Indian tunic and pants suit called a salwaar kameez made of cotton. This can be modified slightly to accommodate yoga poses. Men sport loose fitting pants and tee shirts. All students are expected to remain on the grounds 100% of the time. They can be recognized and identified and yoga instructor students by their uniforms. There a...more
Misconceptions Regarding Kaalsarp Yoga
... but the obstructions will arises frequently due to Kaalsarp Yoga. Whereas if the Kaalsarp Yoga is in full swing it is said that even person belongs to royal family, he/she will be obsessed with disappointment, which will make his life desperate and miserable. And due to factional Kaalsarp Yoga in person’s horoscope, the person has to effort a lot to finish any work.What is ...more
Yoga Bolsters opportunity to adapt to unusual positions that one has to go through. Always remember not to push your body beyond what it is capable of. The art and practice of Yoga was never intended to harm the practitioner's body in any way. Without slowly adapting to the processes, one might end up pulling muscles, stretching ligaments, t...more
Yoga Therapy
...poise and peace of mind.The nervous diseases reflected in so many disorders of the body and mind are the outcome of straining and tension of the faculties in a conscious or unconscious effort of the individual to adapt himself to his environment. The psycho- and Yoga therapeutists endeavor by their own particular methods to relieve this tension and substitute...more
Kundalini Yoga
...amakrishna offered to Swami Vivekananda all his occult powers. Vivekananda asked whether these would help him to realise God. Ramakrishna replied they wouldn’t but he could use these occult powers to do good in the world. Vivekananda replied that if these powers didn’t help his spiritual realisation he didn’t want them. Ramakrishna was so proud of his disciple for not being interested i...more
