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Practising Iyengar Yoga During Pregnancy pregnant an ideal form of exercise that can help you to do this is yoga.Like other forms of yoga, Iyengar yoga focuses on poses known as asanas, and breath control, known as pranayama. With a range of postures and breathing methods in use, Iyengar yoga is suitable for people of varying abilities and experience. If you've never done yoga before, there ar...more
Yoga Helps You Lower Blood Pressure
...s slow down the pulse rate, so they lower blood pressure.They are also helpful to lower blood pressure the sitting asanas, such as Upavista Konasana, which remove the tension from the ribs and the intercostals muscles, and also help you breathe easily. Many hypertensives have difficulties in breathing and these asanas help them in this matter and they also lower blood ...more
Yoga For Digestive Disorders
...en in blood as well as bring breathing in sync with the metabolic system (pranayam) as well as several asanas that address stomach problems directly like the 'Dhanurasana' which makes you put entire weight on your stomach, thus toning stomach muscles and making these stronger as well as to digest food better and cleanse system of left over food, etc. for beginners ...more
Benefiting From The Unbearable - Pain In Our Yoga Practice
...ur Yoga Practice Pain is without doubt an integral part of yoga practice. But is it really something that should be avoided at all costs? Of course pain is our body's way of telling us that it's not comfortable with the posture we're holding. Throughout our practice we should be conscious and listen to our body's messages. To really start gaining the benefits ...more
Kids Yoga: Enhanced Goal Setting Techniques
...lass differently. As a general guideline, children who are four to seven years of age should work well together.Older children from eight to twelve years of age will not be entertained by the behavior of younger children. Young teens will tend to be very serious, so they should also eventually have their own tim...more
