
Gucci Yoga Mat


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Meditation and Yoga
... union with our soul. At the moment we identify with the body and the human mind; however, yoga teaches us that we are not just the body. Our real self cannot be touched by the injury, illness, or even the thoughts of our mind. The immortal verse of the Bhagavad Gita runs:"The soul migrates from body to body. Weapons cannot cleave it, nor fire con...more
Stress-Free Parenting - Three Simple Yoga Stretches to Help Parents Reconnect and Enjoy Parenting
...r feet shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, bend your knees, and drop your hands to the ground. Relax your head and shoulders and take 3 - 5 deep breathes. Return to standing by slowly walking your hands up your legs. Repeat 3 - 5 times.THREE: Breathe slowly and deeply. This instantly calms and soothes y...more
Arthritis Exercise - One Way to Relieve Pain & Stiffness in Your Joints (part 1)
... types of exercises suggested vary; however, with all types of exercise the warm-up is the starting point. Warming up is best started with applying warm compresses to the joints, followed by mild stretching. Range of motion exercises, such as dance, are a very good start, as are low-impact aerobics. These can relieve s...more
The Truth About Making Money as a Yoga Instructor
...By designing and offering your own programs, you can interject your personality into yoga instruction.Depending on your location and marketing skills, you can make a great living as a full-time yoga instructor. If you're in a location where a large number of people are looking for a yoga instructor, then the sky's the limit. If this isn't the case, you need to develop some...more
Yoga and Meditation - What a Great Combination
.... We put off going to the doctor, we don't do what we are suppose to do to remain healthy. We experience flare ups of arthritis, indigestion, memory loss, inability to concentrate. These problems can all be treated with yoga and meditation.Doing yoga then should lead to meditation and the use of both to better your life. Promoting unity o...more
