
Fold Yoga Mat


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Are Yoga Balls Helpful for Doing Poses?
...s out that when doing yoga poses with an exercise ball, there are many benefits that it can add to your practice.Being as though it is a versatile prop for many postures, the 30 inch diameter ball is a terrific tool. These air-filled balls give support in poses such as backbends hip openers and restorative poses.Balls are shipped un-inflated and include a small hand-held pump. Moreover, they ar...more
Stress Management - Yoga
... in relaxing mode and concentrate his mind over one point with eyes closed. The mind is concentrated up to an extent when an individual feels that he has no interaction with the surroundings, in fact the mind reaches in a neutral stage thereby relieving mental exhaustion. Meditation restores the body to a calm state, helping the body to repair itself, and preventi...more
Why I Do Yoga
... I recognized that through this experience, my entire BEING was telling me how much it resonated with the Yoga practice. I recognized that Yoga would be my practice of honoring the innerness of me and cultivating myself as I journeyed through this world.My ongoing yoga experiences: Rarely have I had such intense experiences like that again. However, there...more
Yoga Options for Managing Anxiety
... Yoga students often practice at home, but the “home Yoga sessions” are usually much shorter.This is fine because a little Yoga is better than no Yoga at all; especially, in the case of a person who experiences anxiety. One short Yoga session can help the mind and body lose feelings of negativity. Yet, it may require a longer session to give you relief, if negative energy is “getting out ...more
Stress Eraser - Ways to Help Eliminate Stress - Exercise Part 2
...happiness and well being. Walking is one of the best exercises you can do, no matter where you are you can go for a walk, if you walk for at least 15 minutes a day it helps raise your level of endorphins, and get those mood-boosting chemicals to your brain, and start those feeling good feelings take over.Yoga is a great exercise to do also, there are all different ...more


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