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How to Teach Yoga in the Corporate Marketplace, Part 1
...a programs, for the corporate sector, offer very real solutions.This is where the strength in a Corporate Yoga program shows. All companies, and especially the larger ones, know the harsh reality of paying for accidents or repetitive motion injuries. Most companies have also experienced a dip in production due to increased absenteeism. So, the “bottom line” is that Yoga training offers ma...more
Nine Things You Should Know About Yoga for Children
...ts with easy postures, and be patient with your child's progress. Some beginner children can often be more flexible than advanced adult Yoga practitioners, but they don’t know their own limitations.Discover your child's real passions. When your child wants to go to Yoga class, it is much better than what you want for your child. This is not to say that...more
5 Tips on Choosing a Yoga Mat
...ces are, you're just starting out with your yoga practice, or you want to take the next step in advancement. You want to own your own yoga mat, but with so many choices out there it can be quite hard to figure out exactly what you need. That's why I've come up with this list of five tips to help you choose the best...more
Mother and Child Yoga - A Great Activity for You and Your Baby
... is formed early on in infancy and is absolutely necessary for healthy development. The constant interaction between you and your baby during yoga exercises help to solidify the important bond that you share.Since Baby Yoga helps to enhance the growth and development of your baby emotionally and physically, your baby may benefit in other ways as...more
Amazing 4-Step Fat Loss Workout That Melts Weight Away!
...ation maniac.SO - WHAT WERE OUR RESULTS?Drumroll please, after just 2-months of following the regime listed above, I had lost 15lbs and my wife had lost close to the same (though she had a much lower body fat percentage to begin with).Not only did this fat loss workout plan burn more fat, it finally did away with my middle "spare tire" and I gained energy I hadn't counted on gettin...more
