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Yoga and The Da Vinci Code, and so do the many sub-styles of Hatha Yoga, but if you attempt to govern them, valuable and innovative thought will be lost.Yoga is many things, but it must be allowed to evolve in many directions for the complete health maintenance of humankind. We do not have thousands of years to rediscover creations that could be lost. ...more
Yoga for Prevention of Breast Cancer
.... They are:Adequate Exercise of the ArmsCircling the arms from the shoulder, shrugging the shoulders and other exercises that specifically stimulate the muscles and circulation around the lymphatic glands under the arms. These Yoga exercises should be considered a daily discipline and take only a few minutes.Avoidance of Suppressant Deodoran...more
Christian Yoga?
...form of religion.If some Christians want to practice Yoga to make a closer connection to God, who are any of us to criticize it? Isn’t one of Yoga’s purposes, the union of self with a Supreme Being? So what is the big deal?Truthfully, many fundamentalists are all about division - keeping the masses divided, at war with each other, and preferably, in a “holy war.” They fear the unity...more
Yoga Teacher Training: Am I Too Old to Become a Yoga Teacher?
...d Yoga, you might not know better, but I am surprised when a student, with ten or more years of practice, still sees asana as the “Holy Grail” of Hatha Yoga. Asana is very valuable, but does not govern Hatha Yoga.Pranayama (cultivation of life force through breath) is the ruler of body, mind, spirit, and emotions. Pranayama keeps you healthy in all aspects of exist...more
More Communication Skills for Yoga Teachers
...dents are made to feel “stupid” for asking questions? Granted, Yoga classes cannot operate like an open forum, if you have a lesson plan in mind, but a student who is experiencing pain should not have to feel bad for asking about it. Nor should he or she have to wait until the end of class to ask an impatient teacher about his or h...more


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