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A Beginner's Guide To Yoga Asanas
...ty. And relaxation postures bring required tranquility and peace to your mind thus resulting in total mental rejuvenation.Some popular asanas are as follows-Shvasana: It is known as corpse pose. The asana requires you to lie on back in a completely rested state.Utkatasna: This yoga asana happens to be awkward for many as the pose needs to be in a sitting position without chair. While...more
What is All The Fuss About Yoga?
...claiming the many benefits of yoga for centuries. Some of the praises for this ancient discipline include greater flexibility and strength, improved energy levels and sleep, and a calmer more contented mind. People love it because it is not only a powerful way to get into shape physically; it is a...more
Learning the Popular Styles of Yoga - Ashtanga, Bikram, and Kundalini
...behind this discipline is to cause dormant energy in the lower body to become free and move upwards. For students seeking an athletic workout, Kundalini is not the place to look; but it is still an important style for a yoga instructor to understand.From the purely physical yoga, to the more spiritual forms, a yo...more
Even If You Lift Weights, You Still Need Some Yoga
...r a clue, observe another distant cousin, the gorilla. And what does it consume, Primarily fruits and leaves depending on its habitats, thus it is safe to say your diet should be quite similar…and it’s not a co-incidence that this is the same diet that most Yoga sages recommend for practice.So, if you ...more
Choosing Yoga Clothing - Stop Posing!
... correct yoga clothing is vital. Shorts and T-shirt are fine if you tend to get too hot and sweaty during exercise. If you tend to feel like an ice cube in air-conditioned rooms and gyms, long sleeves and longpants are recommended. You may even feel more comfortable with a sweatshirt on. This is fine. But remember, you still need...more


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