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Coping Strategies - Yoga For Menopause Relief
...oga is not a 'remedy' for menopause - not least because menopause represents a stage of life, rather than an illness. A woman's experience during menopause is completely individual, and yoga is not specific like the drugs of modern medicine. There is no one set series of postures that thus make up a 'remedy' for the symptoms of pe...more
Modern Benefits from the Ancient Practice of Yoga
...bility regimen. Its breathing exercises have allowed everyone, from business people to baseball coaches, reach the highest state of relaxation. Christians, Muslims, and even atheists, have become devout followers of yoga. With the right program, a yoga certification is within anyone's grasp.Yoga eases the pain of back problems and helps people ...more
Yoga A Blend Of Spiritual And Physical Exercises
... history. One of the six schools of Hindu philosophy, Maharishi (or Sage) Patanjali, its founding father lived a full three centuries before Christ. A great philosopher and grammarian, he was also a physician, with a considerable body of medical work attributed to him, though this work has been lost in the pages ...more
Yoga Plans for Anxiety Relief
...bad health habits. As most of us know, you cannot put a price tag on good health, but when your health is poor, you will pay anything for a day without pain or even less pain.The worst part about a perceived lack of time is that the real issue is lack of control over our bad habits. This is one of many reasons for anxiety. To live a healthier ...more
Yoga for Depression: Pessimism and Perfection
...nist thought is the desire to have more of something than is realistic.The desire to have everything perfect, in an imperfect world, is a mindless pursuit. When you desire constant perfection, from yourself and others, you are taxing your own health.Holding onto the perception of a perfect world will strain relationships with friends, family, and co-workers. Ultimately, the ...more
