
Bally Yoga Mat


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Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Stress Relief for Teenagers
...ed on teens for social status, academic performance, athletic performance, performance in the entertainment industry, etc.So how can Yoga help teens to cope with stress? Regular teen Yoga sessions, or classes, should contain physical posturing (asanas), Yogic breathing (pranayama), laughing, positive affirmations, and learning to create an automatic relaxation response on a daily basis.Teens mu...more
Finding and Releasing the Energy of the Mind
...s taught tai chi for thirty years told me recently that his strength and agility had taken a quantum leap in the past few months. After all of those years of training, he discovered he still had higher levels to attain, and with dramatic results.Unfortunately, we humans stop exercising our minds a few years int...more
What Should Your First Yoga Exercise Be?
... and your forehead should be close to your knees.Place your palms on the floor on the outside of your feet, bend your legs, and push one leg back as far as possible. Your back will naturally arch, but you should raise your chin as much as possible, for maximum arch. Push your forward foot back and set it aside your rear foot, at the same time raising yo...more
Yoga in Practice - Taking Control of Your Life
...g people take control of their lives for 5,000 years, and counting. Taking control of your life is a daily obstacle, but you can easily start, right now. How do you envision your life today, tomorrow, or next week? If we ask one hundred people, we will receive one hundred different answers.Yet, we can ...more
Stress Relief Gifts - 4 Great Gift Ideas To Chase The Stress Away
...ant to find ways to relax, unwind, and reduce the stress we feel.When giving gifts, consider ways that you could help people unwind, and give stress relieving gifts that will be cherished and appreciated.Stress Relief Gift #1: Yoga Gift SetsYoga gift sets are a great, innovative gift. Yoga is a wonderful way to relax and improve your psychological, spiritual and physical well-being. You c...more
