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Discover How Yoga can Improve Workplace Safety and Health be gained from the steady practice of Yoga.Safety hazards need to be listed in at least two categories, from actual hazards to potential hazards. An actual hazard such as a back injury that occurred in the past, which often happens to employees holding a specific job, or within a particular department, can be prevented by having a Yoga specialist observe the physica...more
How Yoga Reduces An Individual's Stress over-stimulates a person's metabolism. Your heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and muscle tensions can increase due to stress.You can counter the effects of stress to your body through yoga's breathing exercises and other relaxation exercises. These exercises try to achieve deep quietness in the mental and physical state to alter your emotional and physical responses. Af...more
Chair Yoga Vinyasa Flow
... flows from the back, or side, of the chair. “The flow,” which we know as “Vinyasa,” is synchronized breathing with movement. This brings to mind vigorous Yoga classes for young, energetic, and fit Yoga students.However, Vinyasa can be gentle, too. If introduced correctly, Vinyasa Flows can be fun for students of all ages an...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Teaching Multiple Levels in the Same Class
...Hatha Yoga practice. A teacher should also be looking for subtle progress in each student.For example: Is a student able to fully grasp Pranayama techniques? Is a student present for practice? Has a student been able to successfully meditate? Is a student able to transcend his or her practice beyond the mat?In other words: Would you be proud of...more
Benefits of Chair Yoga - Part 2
...ight at all times. During a number of daily activities such as: Standing, walking, reading, eating, sitting, lying, typing, and more, you should make a conscious effort, to keep your head and back straight.Now, we can all remember a schoolteacher who preached, “Keep your back straight,” but now we know that he or she was absolutely correct. Take ...more
