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Kundalini Yoga
...improve the flexibility. Next you will focus on an area of the body and begin meditation. You will also chant mantra, prananyama, and mudras as well. Those who practice Kundalini Yoga have their own formal attire which consists of white robes and a head wrap.If you are considering Kundalini Yoga you need to kn...more
Hatha Yoga Myth - Losing Weight
...reason comes back to moderation and the Yogic diet quietly takes its place of honor, even if someone changes the name.So, what does the Yogic diet consist of? The Yogic diet, mentioned by Swami Svatmarama, contains a balanced combination of whole grain breads, vegetables, fruit, nuts, whole grains, legumes, and dairy products. Please bear in mind that allergies can...more
Three Branding Lessons I Learned From Inside the Yoga Temple
...with the rest of the room or even themselves. Instead, they honor where they are at in the moment and stretch not based on what the rest of the group is doing but based on how far they can go that day. This requires really listening to your inner voice, honoring where you're at and not imposing preconceived judgments on yourself.In business, in...more
Can Tai Chi or Yoga Ease Back Pain?
...scles, improving posture and bring into line the spine. Yoga practitioners believe that if you learn about your body, in this case your back, then you become more able to tune into the area of problems and make them better before they become really bad.Each one of the many Yoga positions is designed to do something spec...more
What Should a Hatha Yoga Teacher Know? - Part 3
...n.Shaucha: To put it simply, be clean in hygiene, diet, and behavior. Hygiene and a Sattvic diet can become a daily ritual, but avoiding unhealthy or unclean thought is a daily challenge. This means controlling angry thoughts, angry actions, and suppressing the ego as much as humanly possible.Santosha: This is commonly ...more


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