
Yoga Equipment 10101


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Tantric Yoga
...s "A family." Are you beginning to see the overall picture here? Instead of individuals (Plural) living together, you have A (singular) family. It is the process of making more than one into one.To actually conceive of the purpose of this practice beyond the family, we must look at the modern world as the place of duality that it is. The teachings of modern times are those of individuali...more
Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 3
...nterested in “getting a workout.” Pilates is one of Yoga’s 20th Century offshoots and has no meditation practice at all. On the other hand Ashtanga Yoga classes are very vigorous and do contain meditation, as part of the lesson plan.Hatha Yoga’s best known component is its postures (Asanas). However, Pranayama, philosophy, bandhas, mudra...more
Yogic Stress Management Therapy - Don't Worry, Be Happy
...hat easy?Is the answer as simple as, “Just learn to relax?” Yes, learning to relax is the answer. Yet, learning to relax is anything, but simple. For example: New Yoga students are sometimes uncomfortable while practicing stage-by-stage relaxation or Yogic body-scan relaxation techniques. How ca...more
Is Yoga a Myth? a unique experience based on what you want from the class, how much you can focus and how hard you wish to push your body. Now, as for the heart attack issue, yoga helps to relieve stress through rhythmic breathing techniques and physical exercise. Stress, for example, has been scientifically demonstrated to CONTRIBUTE, not caus...more
Yoga Empowers Divorced Women - 7 Benefits That Will Change Your Life
... - dynamic breathing and its ability to bring mind, body and spirit into alignment is the #1 gift of a yoga practice." Clarity - all that focus and breathing clears out the garbage, freeing your mind of confusion. Set your intention to have clarity and you will have solutions to the problems that plagued you prior to your practice.So if you find yourself in...more


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