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Yoga Class Etiquette - 10 Things You Should Know
...quietly as possible so classmates are not distracted. If you must leave class prior to Sivasana, remember to take at least 5 minutes of deep relaxation at some point during the same day of your yoga practice. It is imperative to make time for deep relaxation after a yoga practice to integrate the benefits of the breath work, body work and focus.Please do not wear any heavy, chemically produced fr...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Yogic Stress Management
...dlines at work, and home, every day. People often worry about lack of income, finances, and their relationships, because they do not have a plan and see no solution to the never ending cycle of excessive stress.All of this worrying, stress, anxiety, and lack of positive action, contribute to a variety of ailments, poor quality life, and premature death. So, h...more
The Purpose of Yoga - The Yogic Path to Happiness
...oo serious and reinforcing their egos. There is a time to be serious, but there is much more time for humor.In fact, laughing will stimulate your immune system and is a very dependable relaxation method. Laughter Yoga may seem foolish, but the opposite of laughing is crying, sadness, and despair. Let’s put hopelessness on hold, while we work on laughing and smiling m...more
Practicing Yoga To Grow Tall - Does It Really Work? and emotional well-being. But if you're already a health junkie, doing pilates and other forms of stretching on a regular basis, therefore your posture would most likely to be at its best, practicing yoga to grow taller may not create much of a difference for you.For those who are natural slouchers, if you're excited by the p...more
Reduce Neck and Shoulder Tension - Four Simple Yoga Practices to Reduce Neck Pain
...stiffness and tension in your neck, shoulders and upper back muscles.As with any form of exercise, please exercise caution, respect and patience for your body and consult your GP before you embark on an exercise programme.- Lower your head to your chest, breath in as you lift your head to look forward, then breathe out as you lower your head backwards. Repeat 3 - ...more


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