
Hot Yoga Yoga Equipment Yoga For Beginner Yoga Studio


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What Should a Hatha Yoga Teacher Know? - Part 3 a different religion.If you take the time, you will see commonality in the principles of all the major religions. Jesus said, "Do to others what you would have them do to you." All of the world’s religions have a similar saying, but who really puts the words into practice and action? Only an enlightened person would make a statement su...more
Yoga: Ancient Wisdom for Today's Health
...nclusion On a recent Oprah show, Dr. Roizen indicated that the next important medical development will be a greater focus on "energy" medicine, bringing us full circle to the perennial puzzle, the one with which we began: the connection between mind, body and spirit and how we integrate between them to...more
Learning To Love The Yoga We All Hate
...e equally good at every aspect. And nobody is perfect, the finished article – that’s why we call it a yoga practice.As clichéd as it sounds, yoga really is a journey of discovery and development, physically, mentally and if you allow it, spiritually. The first big step in our development journey is understanding our abilities are right now. By bringing awareness to our practic...more
Practice Yoga with the Best of Intentions
...n justify them. Do you think Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Hitler, and Stalin thought they were wrong? They would all justify their intentions.Now, on a much smaller scale, going into your Yoga class, with a competitive mind-set, is not the best of intentions. You will eventually injure yourself. All of us age, and we ...more
Facts about Successful Yoga Teachers, Part 1
...students, be honest with yourself. You can always use the money to help others, but you need to pay your overhead costs, eat, and sleep with a roof over your head, first.If you still feel bad about taking money for teaching Yoga, please open a studio down the street from my North Providence location. We will regularly donate toward your meals at the local soup kitchens. I...more


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