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Yoga - An Easy Way To Stay Healthy - Part 2
... have a deep impact on the body. It is a very rigid exercise regime that follows some definite set norms. Not following these set pattern of exercises may even cause adverse effect on the body. As a matter of fact, one can even hurt himself while doing an incorrect yoga asana.Warm-up exercises thus are...more
Will Yoga Improve My Personality?
...comments on what yoga can do for you, for yourself in terms of your personality.First of all, a regular practice of asana will leave your body in better condition; that is to say, it will tone your muscles, make your body more supple and likely decrease any chronic pains you may experience. A toned body will also in...more
How Yoga Will Enhance Your Abilities in Other Sports, football, baseball, tennis, rollerblading, hockey or poker (Hey, they get tight neck muscles, right?) there are benefits to adding yoga to your routine.For me, the advantages were revealed with more flexibility during and after a race. My muscles rebounded quicker, with less soreness and I was able to ride...more
Learning to Breathe
... will help calm your body and increase the flow of oxygen within you.To learn the proper breathing technique, it is usually helpful to lie down on a bed. Then, place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. If you have not practiced proper breathing in the past, you will notice that the han...more
What's Stopping you from Becoming a Yoga Teacher?
...s toward your goal of teaching Yoga than to make one giant leap without looking.Fears can be justified, but you should envision your life from a successful viewpoint first. This will enable you to find rational solutions toward realizing your goals. Fear of failure can paralyze any of us.Are you guilty of wishful thinking? This is what most people do every day. This i...more
