
Kripalu Yoga Dvds


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Yoga Instruction - The Inside Story side of teaching. The practice of yoga is very intimate, physically and spiritually. The atmosphere, that an instructor creates, needs to be based on the welfare of the students.Students will experience physical and emotional shifts during their progress. An effective yoga instructor can be there to g...more
Yoga Paths
...ical movement or poses is not the focus. The eight principles or stages are:* Ethical standards or ‘yama’* Self-discipline or ‘niyama’* Posture or ‘asana’* Breath control or ‘pranayama’* Sensory withdrawal or ‘pratyahara’* Concentration or ‘dharana’* Meditation or ‘dhyana’* Liberation or ‘samadhi’Karma YogaThe ...more
Beauty Fitness
...eally start from within and has much to do with your beauty fitness food nutrition. Apart from the expense involved in buying beauty fitness food products, whether they are for their anti aging nutrition or vitamin content, think also on the extras you're paying for such as additives, preservatives, colour-enhancers...more
Yoga Benefits For All
... carpeted floor, you will not need equipment, even though some people prefer to use a mat.Types of YogaToday there are many types and styles of yoga. You may find a style you prefer from the two listed below.Hatha yoga ("Ha" meaning sun and "Tha" meaning moon) is the yoga type better known in the west. This style is preferred among new...more
Benefits Of Yoga For Pregnancy
... condition. Some of the poses or asanas which pregnant ladies can do are Mountain yoga pose - beneficial for inciting strength, relaxing and providing strength, Triangle Yoga Pose- stretching your spine, tones up your spinal nerves, helps in your digestive system, Warrior yoga pose - which includes warrior I and warrior II, Standing side stretch - good for your stomach, arms and legs, Standing s...more


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