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Protecting Your Yoga Teaching Business
....It has been said that “Knowledge is Power,” and this could never be more true than when it comes down to knowing the “Letter of the Law.” Just like when a Yoga student first learns to develop his or her awareness from Yoga and meditation practice - Yoga teachers must develop an awareness of legality, as it pertains to their Yoga businesses.For the average Yoga teacher, the thought of litiga...more
Yoga For Stress Relief And Anxiety
...s has a detectable, and welcomed effect, on the psyche and the body.Slow the heart rate, feel less out of breath, and relax your muscles, beginning with your breath. Research has shown that yoga breathing techniques are beneficial treatment for stress and stress-related problems. The mind is calmed, and the judgment is clearer, as yoga breathing is practiced on a regular ba...more
The Truth About Options for Yoga Teachers, Part 7
... but teaching toddlers with their mothers, in the same class, is quite another matter.Therefore, carefully establish guidelines to keep everyone’s behavior in control. You may start out with ten rules, but after a few months I will bet you have many more. Interestingly, I have found that just a few obnoxious parents will, unknowingly, be the cause of rules, and safeguards, for the rest. Such is...more
Why Meditation And Yoga Are So Good For You
...practice yoga online with others, which may help motivate you to regularly practice your yoga.In an ideal world we'd each have time to practice yoga each day, but this isn't realistic for many people. If possible, try to perform your yoga at least three times a week. If you haven’t got a large amount of time, perhaps it would be possible t...more
Does Ayurveda Have Any Effect On Panic Attacks
...eath-control. This is a key skill in managing and eventually avoiding panic attacks. Proper breathing allows you to stay in control of your body and your emotions. Maintaining proper control over mind and body is essential to effective meditation. This is crucial because meditation helps to clear the mind of all clutter and negative th...more
