
Yoga Pregnancy Dvd


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Yoga and Spiritual Self-Reconciliation
...ncerned that a Yoga teacher, who guides students toward spiritual awareness, might try to convert you to his or her religion. Here is the solution: If you want spiritual health from Yoga - find a Yoga teacher who practices the same religion you do.Lastly, attend your local church, mosque, temple, or shrine. Seek spiritual guidance from a priest, r...more
See Why Yoga Mats Are A Useful Accessory To Enhancing Your Yoga Experience
...are also different types of yoga mats available that cater for particular branches of yoga. Here are some of the main options:The Cotton Mat This has been the most popular yoga mat option for a while, with good reason. Cotton is capable of soaking up a high percentage of perspiration, giving it a coo...more
The Process of Yoga Instructor Certification
..., such as the philosophy and history of yoga, anatomy and physiology, teaching methods, and ethics. Since different yoga schools often have a slightly different focus, flexibility is allowed - with several hours given to a more intense study of the school's specialty.One of the most important components of the training is the practicum aspect. Students must spend several hours observing, an...more
Predictions for Yoga in 2008
...Year, it's time once again to follow in Nostradamus's footsteps and play the game we've been playing for centuries: predicting what the future will hold. This year I'm taking a stab at yoga predictions-forecasting what's going to happen in this field for 2008 and beyond.My predictions don't come from staring into a crystal ball or reading organic tea leaves. I came to thes...more
Sweatin' with the Yogis
...r backward in order to place your head between your ankles, the lower back gets a further workout.Bow Pose: Not even a locust could reach this state. Ideally the Full Locust Pose is taken to its ultimate limits. Upper body and arms reach up to meet raised legs behind you. Absolutely impossible for me at the time, but...more


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