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How to Teach Yoga in the Corporate Marketplace, Part 1
... sector is almost as alluring as a government contract. Yet, there is a mystery surrounding how Yoga teachers should enter the corporate world. Below are some of the most effective ways to establish a strong business as a Corporate Yoga Teacher.Yoga offers many health solutions to the masses, but for the corporate world, Yoga offers solutions for acci...more
How to Become a Successful Yoga Teacher
...ot fit into your lifestyle, prayers will help. Spiritual health is just as important as any other type of success.The power of influence is a part of teaching Yoga. Therefore, never misuse it and never take advantage of your Yoga students, family, or friends. However, if you see an opportunity that will help the common good, never avoid using the influence you have acquire...more
Bikram Yoga Positions
...s and two breathing exercises. The temperature of a Bikram Yoga studio is usually at 105 degrees or even higher! The idea behind it is that the heat will help to loosen your muscles, improve flexibility, and increase your heart rate. And, although quite to state the obvious, the heat also makes you sweat - a lot!Bikram's 26 hatha yoga postures are, like most other styles ...more
Yoga for Life
...and the contraction of an opposing muscle. This is why yoga is often recommended for well-muscled athletes. Muscle building alone results in imbalances between opposing muscles. To maintain flexibility, body builders should make sure they are getting enough proper stretching work.Very little equipment is needed to begi...more
How to Improve Your Body, Mind and Spirit By Practicing Hatha Yoga
...ating with no gravity at all. Many people are easily distracted by the outward forces and may not be able to focus on a particular task. Such people can get benefited with the hatha yoga. By constantly practicing hatha yoga you can find the divinity in yourself. This helps you to become stronger, relaxed and flexible apart from enli...more
