
Vinyasa Yoga Dvd


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Yoga Poses On The GO
...t pose that you can practice easily and privately without any difficulty.Stand straight with your weight distributed evenly on both feet. The base of your big toes touching and heels slightly apart. Lift and spread your toes and the balls of your feet and place them down softly on the floor. Lengthen your tailbone toward the floor and your pelvis towa...more
Practice Yoga As A Lifestyle And Share The Secret Of Positive Energy
...n for granted. Many of us run around in search of our next "sugar high." In contrast, the Sattvic diet will yield steady energy from whole vegetarian foods, which contain natural sugar and high fiber.Moderation is an important component of the Sattvic diet because overeating is discouraged. Due to the steady amount of raw food consumed, people in cold climates will want to heat their f...more
What Exactly is a Yoga Swing?
...can be adjusted for the perfect height. Using a spring with the pyramid support structure allows you great maneuverability. This flexibility gives you the ability to get into any position that you would like.You can choose a posture or movement that requires you to be completely off the ground, or you can use the sling and rope handles in conjunction with one arm or leg so that yo...more
Teaching Yoga as Therapy
...s to deal with stress, peer pressure, and finding their way throughout life.The most common form of contemporary Yogic therapy has been relief from an existing ailment. The list of potential ailments seems to be endless. We may naturally think of using a combination of standard medical practices and Yoga therapy for neurological disorders, such as: Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke, Ataxia, and Park...more
Yoga Mat Bags
...acquard and hemp yoga mat bags can be hand or machine-washed with cold water. They can also be dry-cleaned for retaining the colors. They should be hung for drying. Velvet yoga mat bags should be only hand washed or dry-cleaned.The prices of yoga mat bags range from $25 to $45 or even more, depending o...more


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