
Russel Simmons Yoga Dvd For Sale Online


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Yoga Ethics For Instructors
...ntimate. There is a great deal of focus on the body and opening of the body and a measure of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual release. Instructors often must touch their students to assist or correct a physical posture.All of the students are paying close attention to the movements of the instructor. Some students will become infatuated, or attached, as they associate their r...more
What Type of Guided Meditation Floats Your Boat?
...erested in learning more about meditation. During your first meditation sessions you will most likely need help. Therefore, you need to follow a guide or script to ensure that you fall into a deep meditative state. So which type of guided meditation should you engage in? The answer is that it depends...more
Hatha Yoga
...oga Patanjali collected the yoga knowledge available in 2 A.D. and wrote a treatise called ‘Yoga Sutra.’ The yoga of Patanjali has 8 limbs to be practiced in sequence. They are Yama (restraint), Niyama (observance), Asana (posture), Pranayama (breathing), Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditat...more
Yoga Teacher Certification or Registration - Part 1
...changes within the certifying bodies who train Yoga teachers. Here are some of the most common questions and answers in regard to Yoga credentials and regulations.Why should a Yoga teacher be certified? What about established Yoga teachers who don’t have a diploma? What is the “right’’ Yoga credential to have? When should I become a Registered Yoga teacher? Who regulates Yoga?I...more
Yogic Truths
... is spiritual release promised by performing yoga that the yogis or practitioners of it aspire for. Along with Samkhya, Yoga also believes spiritual liberation is achieved when the self (purusha) frees itself from the bondages of matter (prakriti) that are a direct result of the self’s ignorance and illusion.Yoga attempts to reverse this order and helps the self re-enter ...more


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