
Louise Solomons Yoga And Pilates Dvd


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The Yogic Approach for Coping With, and Preventing, Panic Attacks
...y Disorder, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, to name a few.Panic attacks surface for no apparent reason and with no warning. They suddenly appear with hot flashes, chest pains, racing heart beat, shortness of breath, chills, and many more stress-related symptoms, which can commonly last five minutes to thirty minutes.When you are experiencing a pani...more
Sweatin' with the Yogis
...a movement Thailand has now become the third milestone of yoga in Asia by the introduction of Benjaporn Karoonkornsakul, an ex-investment banker who's been attracted to the Bikram yoga circle since her first Bikram hot yoga experience in Hong Kong. Wanting to stay fit during her travels, Koon Karoonkornsakul agreed to take a Bi...more
The Secrets of Karma Yoga to Obtain Your Life Goals
... yoga, you are not drawn to your goal for the results you expect from them. You learn to relinquish egotistic desires and thus become more open to practical aspects of inner guidance in your body. With this, you work with a cheerful and stress free attitude to reach your goal for you know that you are doing what you are best suited to do and are happy with yourself.Maintaining ...more
Feel Great with Bikram Yoga
...le. Stress can be a killer and the better we learn to manage our stress, the better our health can be.The endurance required in Bikram Yoga helps you to learn how to focus your energies. This is undoubtedly a good trait to master. The better we can focus in our everyday lives, the more we can accomplish and the better we will feel about ourselves.Th...more
Yoga And Weight Loss
...he makeup of their bodies.Pranayama, or yoga breathing exercises, eliminate stress. Stress is a huge factor in weight gain and stubborn fat. Learn to relax and calm the nervous system with breathing. Eliminate tension within your mind and your muscles, and you will have a higher drive to care for your body. Brea...more
