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Yoga Positions For Beginners - Be the Tortoise, Not the Hare
...t worth waiting for?So, what can you expect?Well, these different yoga positions for beginners include such positions/poses as standing and sitting. Sounds simple, doesn't it? However, these basic positions are essential in correcting any imbalance in your posture and must be mastered before movin...more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Stress Relief for Teenagers
...n finding one's self as a teenager. Technology also plays a role in pushing teens further than ever before.Sure they are privileged to have access to so much information, but they also suffer from information overload. On top of this, high expectations are placed on teens for social status, academic perfo...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Religion and Western Culture
...ey are a Hindu, Sikh, or Buddhist. To the public’s amazement, many Yoga teachers come from all of the major religions in the world. There is no single religion that all Yoga teachers participate in.How can this be? Some Gurus preach that Yoga should be founded within a particular religion. Some Yoga teachers read the Rig Veda, Bhagavad Gita, and speak Sanskrit words, so t...more
What Is Mantra Yoga? many mantras which can be used and are mainly in Sanskrit. The most common and used worldwide is the "Om" mantra which helps in creating that feeling of ease and calmness. These mantras can also be found in English to let each and everyone practice it.It relaxes your body and mind and keeps you away from the distraction and a continu...more
Simplify Your Life With Yoga
...rogressing to challenging feats of flexibility and strength, if you so desire. No matter your level of ability and experience, conscious breathing and personal guidance from an experienced yoga instructor can help you reach your goals.That means you can practice yoga if you’re pregnant, middle-aged, retired, sick, recovering, injured, overweight, over-stressed, overbearing, or over-easy. Y...more


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