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Yoga Supply Yoga Cl Weightloss Cmcdaniel Info Yoga Information


Yoga Teacher Training Aspect - The Motivation to Improve There is a myth, which makes its way around alternative healing circles. Basically, there is a massive proliferation of the belief that visualization and wishful thinking are enough to succeed in life. The words work, motivation, and action, are not "in style" or "politically correct." Sorry to say it, but motivation, action, and work, are required to be success...more
Yoga Myth - Yoga is Not a Spiritual Practice
... person, who is quick to judge everything, and wants to instantly lose weight, should find a liposuction surgeon. The mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of Yoga will be missed, but this person would not appreciate them anyway.Getting back to the spiritual aspect - It is part of the Yogic package; if you conti...more
Insider Secrets to the Business of Teaching Yoga, Part 3
...frustrated in traffic. I am not wasting all my time listening to a song for the 300th time, disc jockey antics that have lost any shock effect, or commercials. Seriously, I listen to the radio once in a great while, but the programming and songs don’t change much.Here is a list of audio books I recommend for the knowledge and the positive attitud...more
Yoga Teachers, Prepare for the New Year's Rush - Part 1
...nts’ interest. Do not get too far off the track, but spice up your schedule with special workshops or “pilot” classes. Yoga classes are much like spice; too many flavors can ruin your dish, or in this case, your class.Keeping student interest has always been a challenge for teachers of any subject. With fitness or Yoga, it i...more
Yoga Teachers, Prepare for the New Year's Rush - Part 3 these days, this is a stress management method that will allow Yoga students to be less serious about everyday situations.Pet Yoga: This is a nice idea, but this is for friendly and “house trained” pets, only, unless you teach the class outside. Dog Yoga has been referred to as “Doga.” This is a great workshop concept, as long ...more


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