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Yoga Instruction Certification
...ving your dreams. Good yoga instruction certification should give you all the skills you need to teach yoga to individuals of all ages and fitness levels. You should also be able to teach more than one kind of yoga, which will give you an edge and allow you to teach many types of people and acquire a large client base.With your yoga in...more
Beautycare Yoga
...oxygen-rich blood to our skin. This keeps the skin resilient and prevents dryness and excessive sagging.Yogic practices bring beauty of figure, graceful carriage, melodious voice, glowing face and charming smile. Asanas such as Paschimotannasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Dhanurasana, Veerasana, Trikon...more
What can a Hatha Yoga Teacher Offer a Middle-aged Student for Optimum Physical Health?
... most important part of physical health. Pranayama helps you every day and in times of extreme stress.Many Yoga students are only aware of how their muscles feel, when considering the physical aspects of Yoga postures (asanas) during practice. A competent Yoga teacher will remind you to open your awareness about your vital organs, which are being massaged, and your body is ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Methods for Focus, Concentration, and Tranquility
...of us come from different religions; and this is fine, but we should not wait to reconcile with family, friends, co-workers, and God.I know a man who is an atheist, but he practices Karma Yoga every day. I joke with him, and tell him, he might just get to heaven. It is not for any of us to judge each other. No religion endor...more
What is Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga? (Part-II)
...oss mind, body and senses and realises the true self.So for a motionless and comfortable Asana one should lie on a plane surface on one's back with hands and legs streched. This is called Sukhasana. In this posture all the six internal limbs of Yoga may be practiced well. A human being may be partitio...more
