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Does Yoga Benefit Plastic Surgery Patients?
...atient or not. Yoga is a great way to improve your health and your muscles. It is a way for you to feel more alive and increase your energy by starting the day off right as well as finishing it. Yoga is a way of life.Many people around the world have turned to yoga in order to help them with many things from cancer recover to reliving stress. It is about a way of simplifying...more
The History of Yoga
...ara - going inward and withdrawing attention from the outside worldDharana - concentrationDhyana - meditationSamadhi - merging with the universal consciousnessThe Swami Vivekananda added to the history of yoga by bringing it to America. In 1893, he addressed the Parliament of World Religions and discu...more
Yoga Poses That Might Provide Natural Allergy Relief not very difficult for beginners to learn. Its stretches the lungs and is said to be good for congestion.Fire breathing is beneficial because it massages and relaxes the respiratory system, relieving the pressure that is caused by allergy symptoms. Fire breathing might take a little more time to learn as the rhythm of the breat...more
How to Stay Motivated in Your Yoga Practice
...up yoga or to recommit to your current yoga practice. Maybe you’ve signed up for a new class or purchased some new yoga DVDs, or maybe you want to begin your daily yoga practice at home. You’re feeling enthusiastic about making some healthy changes in your life, but how can you keep that motivation going throughout ...more
Fitness Routines & Yoga Practices
...cus your gaze over your right hand. Breathe evenly through the nose and start out holding the pose for 10 breaths, increasing the amount of time with experience. Repeat on the other side and evenly train your body.Downward Dog:Perhaps one of the most recognized yoga postures, downward dog is a great way to strengthen the w...more
