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Yoga Is Good For Stress Management
...nt. Research has also shown that Hatha Yoga - the type of yoga practiced in the West - if practiced regularly, has a significant impact on ones muscular strength, flexibility, balance and endurance. Studies done on a group of people, who practiced yoga, revealed that after eight weeks - on average - the f...more
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - An Historical Text
...iterally means “thread.” This thread is basically the connection between the sutras in the work. In fact, some people call the Patanjali Sutras the Yoga Aphorisms in English. It is not an altogether incorrect loose translation.Understanding the TextThe sutras in the text are divided into four books. Fifty one of the sutras a...more
A Great Way To Find Best-Selling Book Ideas For Your eBay Business
...ake twenty of so print copies. Take a highlighter pen, get a cup of coffee (or tea), take an hour out and sit somewhere quiet. On each sheet choose three subjects at random, circle them, put the page to one side. Do the same on all your other sheets. Put your sheets somewhere safe for a week or so before studying...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Spiritual Health
.... As Roman society became decadent; everyone began to make their own rules.Let’s learn from the past. Ethical guidelines exist within all religions, but they also exist within Yoga. We call them Yamas and Niyamas.The spiritual aspect of Yoga is rarely discussed in Yoga studios and health clubs outside of India. The style of Yoga mos...more
Marketing 102
...customer benefit, customer trust, and customer emotional connection). What now?If you already have a customer base, tell them (email, postal mail, phone calls, etc.).If you want more customers, try co-marketing or cross-marketing.Co-marketing is working together with another company to market your products. Generally co-marketed products have a "fit".Cross-marketing is a type of co-ma...more


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