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Try Core Power Yoga
...ominals and back and includes both abs-focused Vinyasa power yoga poses and variations of muscle-toning moves. “Unlocking Athletic Power” will develop flexible strength with an emphasis on abs, back, hips and pelvis. “Soul of Strength” on the other hand is a fast-moving power yoga program with a distinct “mid-body” emphasis and so...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - The Eight Limbs and Student Advancement
...hes to student advancement. Some teachers will see a physical achievement as the "end goal." Yet, we know that Yoga has many more aspects for advancement. Among these many aspects are: emotional, mental, and spiritual growth.Yoga teachers might also consider the value of good character in their students. In your community,...more
Ayurvedic Beauty Care
...ike happiness, calmness and mental stability. No one can hide sadness with makeup.Daily exercise, especially yoga is an important aspect of Ayurvedic concepts of beauty care. Women who want to keep their youthful beauty needs to practice yoga on a daily basis. Practicing yoga can also relieve women off menstrual problems and can help them with easy delivery...more
Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Wheel
...some people, the same may not hold for other people. There are many health conditions in which it is suggested that Wheel posture is not recommended.Three important reasons (out of many) not to do Wheel:1) Any person with weak wrists should not attempt this powerful pose.2) In case of back injury avoid this posture.3) Duri...more
Yoga and The Da Vinci Code Let me point out that the nine classic styles of Indian Yoga have similarities, and so do the many sub-styles of Hatha Yoga, but if you attempt to govern them, valuable and innovative thought will be lost.Yoga is many things, but it must be allowed to evolve in many directions for the complete health maintenance of humankind. We do not have thousands of years to redisc...more


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