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Power Yoga: Great For Core Fitness
...f power yoga but put them into continuous practice. It is like being a boxer or a martial artist, if you do not train your skills regularly, you will become rusty and your fitness development will suffer. If you are serious about doing power yoga, you must be devoted to a regimen that you must strive to follow every day in spite of ...more
Yoga Past and Present
... entirely to Yoga and has confirmed that it has been an old practice for some time. Just as the Upanishads further the Vedas, the Gita builds on and incorporates the doctrines found in the Upanishads.Classical PeriodThe Classical Period is marked by another creation - the Yoga Sutra. Written by Patanjali around the second century, it was an attempt to defin...more
lshwarapranidhana (Devotion)
...ibing the effects of whatever one does to Divine Providence. This attitude, if properly and faithfully developed, relieves an individual of tension, because of the habit to accept everything as the will of God. It is a good means for those who have faith in the existence of a Supreme Being as a Creator and Gov...more
Understanding Yoga and Pranayama
...Indian philosophy that enhances personal growth and well being of the practitioner. It is extremely powerful stuff and is part of the Hindu religion and a way of life.Yoga is one of the six orthodox systems of Indian Philosophy. It is a science that has been practiced for thousands of years. Yoga is anything but aerobics, not gymnastic. ...more
Weight Loss - Benefits of Yoga and Exercise
.... There are many medicines to reduce waistlines, but these medicines are unable to bring a permanent change. Performing exercises along with nutritious diet only results in reducing fat. Burning more calories is the only way to reduce obesity and plumpness, and proper exercises are the best in decreasing fat levels. Exercises such as lifting outer thigh and inner th...more
