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Yoga A Blend Of Spiritual And Physical Exercises
...ercises are also known to be effective against anxiety, arthritis, headache, migraine, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis, and more. Yoga’s special exercises, breathing and meditation techniques are renowned for cleansing the body of toxins, improving the muscle tone, as well as, blood circulation.A way of life, the aim of Patanjali Yoga is to...more
Signs of a Good Yoga Teacher
...or bully a student.7) At the end of the class, a good teacher asks how the students are feeling. Teachers should want to make sure that the class was helpful and challenging for everybody.8) They should have a wealth of meditations for Savasana (Dead Man’s Pose) at the end of class. Good meditations really enhance yoga, so good...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Physical Benefits of Yoga Practice
...ctice of Hatha Yoga can help a student develop strength, balance, flexibility, and cardio vascular endurance. In comparison to other forms of exercise, Hatha Yoga encompasses all of their physical benefits and more.Some people would question the cardio vascular aspect, but they have not practiced Surya Namaskars (Sun Salutatio...more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Lowering Stress Levels
...aditional branches of Indian Yoga. Coincidentally, all of these Yogic aspects can be refined separately, or in combination with each other, to make life less painful and less stressful.After Yoga students experience the bliss of being able to reduce their stress levels, at will, they learn to appreciate life'...more
Yoga and Spiritual Self-Reconciliation
... principles do exist within some Yoga studios.For example: Yama and Niyama are Hindu principles, but many of us would recognize them as universal principles within all religions. We are all familiar with not stealing, lying, or killing each other. However, some Hindu concepts, such as having multi-Gods did not mix well ...more
