
Yoga Cl Lexington Ma


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When Does One Become A Yoga Teacher?
... a Yoga teacher to further evolve beyond the initial teacher certification process. Practical knowledge and experience becomes a “treasure chest” for any Yoga teacher.Teaching Yoga is a journey. If Yoga teachers sit still, without expanding their knowledge, they will become stagnant. Yoga books are great references, but Yoga t...more
Yoga - Three Reasons You Should Not Do Kapalabhati Pranayama
...titioner. However, there are some health conditions in which this breathing technique should not be practiced.Three important reasons not to do Kapalabhati Pranayama:1) If you have High blood pressure, do not practice this pranayama.2) Anyone suffering from heart disease should not attempt Kapalabhati.3) In case of Hernia avoid doing this breathing ex...more
How To Ease Back Pain may have seen or heard horror stories about.A little background. I first became interested in yoga in the late 60's. However, I felt that what I was seeing wasn't what I was looking for. Twenty years later I met one of the leading yoga instructors from Australia. She had studied extensively in the Far East and at...more
A Comfortable State of Mind and Body
...nas’ or postures not only lessen the need, decreasing the strain on them, they also cause every muscle in the body to relax. Similarly, the body’s requirement for blood and oxygen goes down, reducing the strain on the mind and making it stable and focused.Furthermore, the twists and stretched yoga asanas or postures compel the organs of the body, such as...more
Aquaexercise for All
...g in the water causes you to exercise. The continual water pressure that pushes against you while you move makes you push out harder to continue movement. Water exercise is natural resistance training as there is continual resistance to each move you make, creating stronger muscles. Water activities like aqua aerobics, bench stepping, deep water running and kick boxing all are great cardiov...more
