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Yoga - A Cure For Modern Day Stresses
...y on the mat but in our day to day life. We become better able to handle whatever life throws at us, we can handle life from a more open-minded point of view. By doing this we can truly enjoy each day to the fullest.True wisdom comes from within. If you learn to quiet your mind, you'll be likely to live longer, and fuller, with better health. The practice of yoga and meditation can offer sim...more
How to Become a Yoga Instructor - The Inside Story
... require you to spend thousands and thousands of dollars to become a yoga teacher. Shop around until you find a program you like at a reasonable price. Many studios require at least a 200 hour certified yoga teacher (CYT) credential to teach classes.If you want to become a yoga instructor, gather as much information as possible on the subject. Look for books about teaching yog...more
Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 4 and forgiveness. Why should you give so much of yourself? Surprisingly, the Karma Yogi does receive a priceless reward, but most people do not come to this realization. By giving, forgiving, showing kindness, being mindful, and letting go of attachment, the Karma Yogi experiences freedom. This is freedom from hate, guilt, fear,...more
Amazing 4-Step Fat Loss Workout That Melts Weight Away!
...ing4. Attend a monthly yoga and meditation class - recently introduced by a neighbor, my wife is now a yoga and meditation maniac.SO - WHAT WERE OUR RESULTS?Drumroll please, after just 2-months of following the regime listed above, I had lost 15lbs and my wife had lost close to the same (though she had a much lower body fat percentag...more
How To Use Yoga In Your Weight Loss For Great Results the poses that will help the most. Going quickly between the various poses can help to accelerate the weight loss. You should beware though that those seriously overweight may find some of these poses extremely difficult and should start slowly with the easier poses and add others as they become more confident in the easier ones.To in...more


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