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More About Yoga Therapy for Increasing Self-Worth
...s, or rehashing past mistakes. We cannot change the past, and we must realize what parts of our lives can realistically be controlled. There are situations in life, which are far beyond our control, and we have to come to a realization about the limits of our control.We are responsible for our actions. Therefore, forgiving oneself for past mistakes is a difficult task for most of us....more
Using Yoga To Improve Your Health And Save Your Time
...root level, first stills the body and tense muscles and enables the mind to achieve stillness or a time when thoughts cease to exist.Yoga asana or postures depict natural actions like boating or rowing to the posture a peacock assumes, a lion assumes etc. these postures, along with breathing in and out are known to create certain vibrations in ...more
Yoga Teacher Tips: More Common Yoga Student Corrections
...r necks.During your Sun Salutation, or Vinyasa Sequence, where you perform a Monkey posture, which is also known as, “Flat Back,” the body should take the shape of an inverted “L.” The best way to master this posture is to draw, and elongate your spine, in a straight line, parallel to the floor. A mirror, or knowledgeable ...more
Yoga Your Way to Weight Loss
...shable by not being able to stretch.Buy yoga clothes that fit. Don't be afraid of the clothes' form fitting stretchiness. Just get the right size. With regular practice yoga clothing will permit you to watch your body change in what can only be referred to as astonishing ways.Another point is that your relative flexibility s...more
Yoga Techniques for Taking the Stress Out Of Vacations
...ed to have a good understanding over the situation and the problem that arises.Always, you will achieve much better consequences by dealing an issue with a peaceful and clear mind, rather than acting on an inclination. It is better to “step out” of your body and see yourself in that particular situation, when a problem occurs. Impartiality is hard...more


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