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Getting Bent Into Shape In Texas - Or Yoga For Beginners
...lf means "union" in Sanskrit, which was the language of ancient India , where Yoga originated. So quite literally, you can say Yoga is the union that happens between mind, body and spirit.But Yoga is probably more accurately described in Sanskrit as "asana," which is the practice of physical postures o...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: My Yoga Students Do Not Want to Meditate
...atha Yoga students find it appropriate to get up and leave before meditation starts. In the area, where he is located, in the western United States, no Yoga studios have meditation as part of the curriculum.Apparently, there is a lack of interest, and this would leave most Yoga teachers discouraged. However, these same Yoga students love Asana practice. They st...more
The Practice of Hatha Yoga
...inal purpose.Whatever the historical details, Krishnamacharya has become the undisputed father of modern-day hatha yoga. Krishnamacharya's first lessons in yoga were from his father and his grandmother and passed on through generations of practice.Hatha Yoga follows in that vein and thus successfully transcends being particularly grounded in any one religion...more
Learn The History Of Yoga
...order to set himself and his soul free. Krishna explained that it was Arjuna's destiny and task to face this situation. He then moved on to explaining to Arjuna how he could emerge from the battle victorious, by outlining a detailed yogic path for the prince to follow; Through devotion (bhakti Yoga), a keen mind (jnana Yoga) and by giving up the ego (karma Yoga), spirit...more
Yoga Exercises Will Banish Panic Attacks!
... free to do. You can do it in the privacy of your own home and more importantly you will not have to suffer any withdrawal symptoms or potentially damaging side-effects after the desired result has been achieved. On the contrary, the vast majority of people who commence yoga training continue to use what they have learned for the rest of their lives, continuin...more
