
Janesville Wi Yoga Cl


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Winter Fit
... efficient. This means that you should work many muscles in one session as opposed to breaking the workout up into body parts. The whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. For a very limited schedule of only 10 minutes try this cycle of exercises: push ups (chest, shoulders, triceps), squats (butt, quads, hamstrings), super-mans (lower back, core muscles), sit-ups (abs,...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: The Value of Props
..., but also be prepared to improvise. Most Yoga teachers do not have every prop available in their studio. This is not a problem, and it will teach you to be creative. One of our Yoga teachers shows her students how to use the kitchen counter, the bottom steps of a stair case, and towels as props for Yoga practice at home.There is...more
Chakrabhedan (Circle-Interception) - A New Kind of Yogic Exercise
...bhedan(circle-interception). This is very simple but most effective for making the body disease-free and concentrating mind to a great extent. The body has six major Chakras or circles. These are - Muladhar Chakra at anus, Swadhisthan Chakra at genital, Manipur Chakra at naval, Anahat Chakra at mid-chest, Vishudha Chakra at throat and Ajna Chakra in between eyeb...more
Yoga for Beginners: The Second Step of Yoga Practice
...g any Yoga technique.When you read, envision, and understand a Yoga technique, it will be much safer on your first attempt. Many of us are impatient and want to learn everything at once. In Yoga, this will never happen. In fact, one life is just not enough time to learn everything there is to know about Yoga.Let’s look at options for learning Yoga from a Yoga teacher in your...more
Five Reasons for Yoga Instructors to Teach Chair Yoga
...le, healthier, and happier.Those of us that are younger and don't have a debilitating condition tend to take some things for granted. Chair yoga might help a person raise their arm above their heads to reach something, or turn their head back to check traffic, when they had lost the ability to do so....more
