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Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga for Arthritis - Yoga for Arthritis There are several conditions, classified under the heading of arthritis, which all involve joint pain. Studies reveal that yoga can cause significant relief from this debilitating condition.Although anyone with arthritis will tell you, that to move at all, sometimes hurts, remaining completely sedentary is not healthy either. Arthritis patients are encour...more
Are Yoga, Samadhi, and Universal Tolerance, Dangerous?
... Inciting violence, in the name of God, is morally wrong.Should we really be concerned with how our neighbors pray to God? Since God is all around us, what is wrong with praying to him as often as possible? At a time when this world, and its families, need to be more connected to God - religions should show much more mutual respect toward each other.Back to Yoga: Yog...more
Let's Assess Doing Yoga Without Clothing, Shall We?
... of an essence.Now, I did look at some sites on the subject of naked yoga and doing yoga poses without clothing and its objective is to enable you to feel free in your body and to do the poses and exercises without restrictions brought about by Yoga clothes.Needless to say, this poses a new challenge for Yogis, since the concept of practicing Yoga while being naked is hard t...more
Hatha Yoga for Stress Management: Creating Your New Year Yoga Plan
...ity to your daily life.In the morning, upon waking, you can practice Pranayama in bed. There are many Pranayama techniques to choose from, but you may find Dirgha breath or natural breath to be easier at this time of the day. You could practice meditation upon rising, for ten to twenty minutes, if you ...more
Even More about Communication Skills for Yoga Teachers
...ved perspective of a given subject. Yoga students have no set of preconceived notions about YogaSocrates once said, “I know nothing, except the fact of my ignorance.” If he could be such a humble teacher about the subject of life, who are we to feel so comfortable with our knowledge on the subject of Yoga? Allow Yoga-related questions during class tim...more


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