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Is Cellulite Unhealthy?
...ith great results is Bikram Yoga. Bikram Yoga, also known as Hot Yoga because it is ideally practiced in a room heated to 105°F with 40% humidity, reduced my cellulite significantly. The classes are about 90 minutes and include 26 postures plus two breathing exercises.Here's another tip for cellulite reduction:--Wh...more
Yoga: Three reasons you should not do Sitting Forward Bend
...ry far forward. For those who find it difficult to do the full Sitting Forward Bend they can do the half pose using the right leg and the right hand at a time for a few breaths and than practice with the other leg and hand.The Sitting Forward Bend stimulates the kidneys, liver, spleen and pancreas improving digestion in the body. The pose tones and massages the entire abdominal area and it relieve...more
5 Gifts to make Labor and Birth Easier
...nd a doula at, or, or or www.beautifulbeginnings.org4. Prenatal Yoga Series or DVD- Research has proven that yoga can: • Relieve back pain • Induce relaxation and relieve stress • Increase stamina • Produce healthier babies and mothers • By working on breath control exercises, mothers are better able to use their breath to relax...more
Chair Yoga - Yoga For Everyone, Including Workaholics And Seniors
...classes. Chair yoga has caught on with seniors, and at retirement communities, because it's safe and suitable for those who have trouble getting up and down, and who have stiff joints.The poses for chair yoga are hatha yoga adapted for someone sitting down, or standing an using a chair for support.Chair Yoga For Workaholics - Cal...more
Successfully Eliminate Stress Through The Practice Of Hatha Yoga Techniques
....The ‘asanas’ and ‘pranayamas’ are used to power the energy channels called the ‘nadis’. The ‘asanas’ help to develop will power, concentration and self-withdrawal, and enable the practitioner of Hatha Yoga to move closer towards Samadhi, which is the Yogic term for inner peace and bliss.The ‘asanas’, which a...more


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