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Yoga in Practice:Mindfulness and Meditation at Work
... is a Yogic form of Pranayama - where your stomach rises on the inhalation and the navel draws inward during exhalation. This sounds simple enough, but practicing this Yoga breathing technique, during stressful situations, and being mindful of it, is a task within itself.What is the benefit of Pranayama during work? Your blood pressure will be more stable and you wil...more
Hot Yoga - Bikram's Twenty Six
... like taking a yoga class becomes a different thing in our case from driving to the neighborhood gym. Since I live 40 miles from the nearest town large enough for yoga studios, when I decided to take a class, I was more interested in the schedule than I was the type of yoga. I couldn't afford to be picky if I preferred not to wait around for a couple hours after getting off ...more
Feel Great with Bikram Yoga
...en to your body tissue and organs, which promotes healing as well as aids in removing harmful toxins. Another great benefit of Bikram Yoga is unlike many other forms of Yoga; it will raise your heart rate and promote cardiovascular health. Beyond the obvious benefits of Yoga, this form has been known...more
The History of Yoga
...ated approximately 2,000 years ago. This collection still serves as the basis for most forms of yoga practiced today.The Yoga Sutra outlined the eight limbs of yoga as follows: the yamas (restraints), niyamas (observances), asana (postures), pranayama (breathing), pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), dharana (concentration), dhyani (meditation), and samadhi (absorption).There are m...more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Lowering Stress Levels
...nting on the walls of caves.Parents want to take all of the stress from their children's lives. While this is a noble cause, children also need a little stress to prosper in life. Parents should be responsive, compassionate, and take the time to give constructive guidance, but it should be realized that children become successful when they learn to over...more


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