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Chair Yoga - Yoga For Everyone, Including Workaholics And Seniors
...ny of the various forms of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), and of course if practiced daily, your chair yoga will help to prevent RSI too.Chair yoga also relieves stress. If you're rehearsing a presentation, do some side stretches, and bend forward, and take a few moments for pranayama. Even five minutes of gentle practice will relax you, and give you a burst of energy.Chair Yoga For ...more
Exercise and Yoga for Hypothyroidism
...t and therefore, the body lacks the hormone and ends up into metabolism complications.However, hypothyroidism is well treated and controlled by the supplementation of thyroxin hormone but there are certain methods that can help you to live with the disease very happily and without any complications. Exercise and Yoga are two of the best techniques by which, one can easily ...more
What Is Hatha Yoga?
... You're not huffing and puffing carrying laundry up to the top floor of the house anymore.Your bowel movements are even more regular than usual and you find that stomach aches and head aches rarely occur these days. Your abdomen, legs and gluteus are looking more defined too.When you're at work and start to feel stressed, you take a deep breath and r...more
Karma Yoga - Part 2 For Life & Spirtual Liberation
...on, the more you are drawn to the creator.Duty (swadharma).Often "duty" is referred to as "righteousness". You will incur demerit if you shun your duty. In Karma Yoga, the whole thing is about achieving merit, Your duty is towards God, or Self, or the Inner Teacher who teaches you through all the specific circumstances of your life as they appear. Karma Yoga teaches that God is the doer, not youD...more
Beginner Yoga Class Checklist yoga class is different in that you buy a set number of classes and each class builds on what you learned in the previous week. A good series class is repetitive only in that there is some review each time, but then the teacher introduces new material.You can learn much more much faster in a series class, but aga...more


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