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Teaching Hatha Yoga - Physical Benefits of Yoga Practice
...orms of physical exercise, to understand how this ancient practice manages to have such an enthusiastic following. On the physical level, the practice of Hatha Yoga can help a student develop strength, balance, flexibility, and cardio vascular endurance. In comparison to other forms of exercise, Hatha Yoga encompass...more
Yoga And The Good Samaritan we may have our eyes on God, people around us need help, and helping others is the path to eternal life.The Parable of the Good Samaritan is scripture worth reading because people often forget who their neighbors are. While we are on this earth, we are all neighbors. Tolerance, integrity, and compassion are your guides toward union.John 1...more
Fourth Niyama - Svadhyaya
...ons. So, Yoga students commonly ask, “What would be the correct method for self-study?”There is no single answer to this question, but the beginning of self-study starts the day a Yoga student decides to be present in his or her practice. For Hatha Yoga students, this may occur as an epiphany during Asana practice, because the emphasis was based upon mastering Asana, Pranayama, and...more
Benefits And Importance Of Yoga For Elderly
...exercise which is totally wrong. By exercising or doing yoga you tend to get younger by age and heart. Age should never be a hindrance. It is very important that you continue the old lifestyle with control on your diet. Life gets to be very simple and easy to live in.Make sure to consult your doctor if you are...more
Yoga Teacher Guidelines for Assisting, Part 3
...r it. Books, videos, and correspondence courses, are relatively inexpensive. Seminars, retreats, and workshops, for Yoga teachers, can be somewhat more expensive, but the value of continuing education is so important; add to this that you may be able to network with local Yoga teachers after you have taken a Yoga course.Why would anyone want to short change their own Yoga business? The only j...more


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