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Can Tai Chi or Yoga Ease Back Pain?
...ncourages better posture through its exercises and we all know that good posture goes a long way to how someone’s back feels.Yoga, which came from Hindu teachings, is not unlike Tai Chi, its designed to help a person restore both body and mind. By doing Yoga exercises you are strengthening your back muscles, improving posture and bring into line the spine. Yoga practitioners believe that if you...more
The Truth About Options for Yoga Teachers, Part 5, private school, or public school, to have large numbers of kids joining your Yoga classes. This may not be the case everywhere, but it reflects the feedback I get from Yoga teachers worldwide.It is also true for our wellness center in North Providence, RI. Our Kids Yoga class started small but now h...more
Yoga And Pregnancy
...ngly, I experienced profound shifts in peace-of-mind when my practice was neglected and when I re-found it.Giving birth changes a woman. We’re all different to start with and so are our changes. When we become mothers our connection with Spirit becomes stronger. Yoga helps me to embrace this responsibility, and trust that a greater force is taking...more
Christian Yoga?, Yoga is a public treasure, and not a genie that we will confine to a bottle. No matter how many people try to patent, or copyright, Yoga, it will be practiced within every corner of the earth.So, please read the article in Time magazine and enjoy it, but take the time to remain objective. Recognize motives and words for their hidden agenda. Most of all, remain...more
Yoga - Supplies Make A Difference
...t to those practicing yoga.Yoga blocks or grip blocks are two other pieces of equipment that can enhance and advance your yoga practice. Grip blocks are a wrist-stress reliever for certain poses, such as the "downward dog" pose. They are designed to bear your full body weight in place of your wrists.Blocks als...more
