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Infertility - Yoga Management
...inated in India, Yoga is a centuries-old system of exercise and relaxation, in which a series of different postures are designed to tone and strengthen all areas of body and is now used by couples in order to increase their fertility.Fertility yoga is a specific branch of yoga, where certain yoga poses are championed for helping with infertility as they open up pelvis and h...more
Yoga Teacher Training Aspect - The Motivation to Improve
... not wasting time in commuter traffic, in transit, while waiting in line, or while waiting at the doctor's office.You will be much more patient during what is perceived as "waiting time," than ever before, because you are learning and improving any time you wish. You are turning waiting time into "fun time."Waiting commonly causes stress, anger, anxiety,...more
The Spirit of Compassion
... it is likely that we would become a person that perhaps is less attentive to the needs of others or more oblivious to the gifts that life bestows upon us in every moment. Karuna Yoga, as I have pioneered it, is an invitation to open to pain, your own and others, without retreating or guarding your heart....more
The Religious Impasse of Hatha Yoga and "The New Age Movement"
...Druidism, witchcraft, and Harry Potter fans, but somehow we have all been “lumped” together as the New Age Movement.Although there is no common thread, Yoga practitioners who practice Christian Yoga, are also condemned by religious fundamentalists for being tolerant of eastern philosophy.Better yet, there are accusations, which claim Hatha Yoga is part of the N...more
The Benefits of Practicing Yoga light and comfortable so you can easily move and do the positions correctly. But you may want to invest on some of the equipment that you might need as you progress like:- non-slip mat - cotton or wool blanket - wooden or foam block or a phone book - chair with arm rests - strap or beltAs you continue on and develop a habit of practicing yoga every...more


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