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Yoga in Practice: Train Your Mind for Empowerment, Part 2
...ecause you are now in control of your own schedule. You will not accomplish as much - if you spend most of your time running around in circles.Therefore, your Yoga practice should be performed on a daily basis. If you cannot do it alone, you should seek out Yoga classes or a competent Yoga teacher. Be honest with yo...more
How Strong Is The Connection Between Yoga And Meditation? these extended periods of sitting possible.Yoga practise also teaches techniques that promote the calming of the mind and body, which makes it easier to become prepared for meditation. Being in a more relaxed physical and mental state makes meditation a realistic prospect for the majority of twenty-first century...more
Yama and Niyama in Yoga
...culprits which take you away from the truth.• Asteya (Non-theft): in Sanskrit, “steya” denotes the enjoyment or keeping with oneself the things that do not rightfully belong to them. This is basically the act of stealing or theft. A person is inclined to steal only when he has no love and has some selfish motive. A y...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Reaching Happiness and Good Health From Within
...e, your family, your friends, and appreciating your good health, will bring you true happiness.Many of us have the ability to choose to be happy. It is as simple as continually saying, "I am happy." If you say this to yourself often enough, and smile, it is contagious. Happiness starts within you, improves your health, and makes you strong enough to help others. In turn, you are ...more
Going Gaga over Yoga
... “asana” is only one of the eight known types of yoga, both terms are now being taken as one because since both of them are concerned with mental and spiritual well being than in purely physical activity.Since yoga has been packaged for the Western culture, it is now best described as a general term that includes various disciplines. And n...more


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