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Reduce Your Stress with Yoga Breathing Exercises
...ed further. It is a viscous cycle, and impacts all parts of your nervous system, including your brain. Medical studies have shown that stress, and the reduced oxygen intake it causes, are a leading factor in cancer, heart disease, strokes, premature aging and other diseases.Breathing also affects our ability to think clearly, by increasing the oxygen that gets to our brain. A smal...more
The Four Stages of Yoga Evolution
...emperor Ashoka converted to Buddhism and widely spread it. Classical Yoga When Yoga became widely spread, and due to it different forms, people thought about standardizing it. Therefore, in the second century, Patanjali composed a seminal text, Yoga Sutra and Classical Yoga. At these times the 195 s...more
Which Yoga Mat Is The Right One For Me?
... the next. They can also help to provide even a small bit of padding to the knees, the hips, and the back.Here are some of the various types of yoga mats and what they can do for you.The Meditation Mat: This mat is usually purchased with a pillow that goes with it. The combination offers for a better sitting meditation p...more
Controversy In Texas! Yoga Or Pilates? and flexibility creates a healthy,vigorous and symmetrical workout for all muscle groups, resulting in a leaner, more balanced and stronger body.Now that you know a little about both techniques, you should take your research one step further to discover which of these two fitness techniques is right for you. Try them sep...more
Why Combine Astrology, Reiki and Yoga?
... moves and breaks up the energy that no longer serves you and brings you to a different place. Yoga heightens and clarifies your frequency to one of integrity and divine connection.I combine astrology with reiki and yoga because it is a good way to understand where the soul is aiming, what the soul is working on and help it to get to it's intended divine expr...more
