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Could a Blind Man Become a Yoga Teacher?
...imination. Sometimes, we think that common sense should rule our society, but as you know, it does not always work that way. Everyone should make an honest effort to understand others.We do not have to agree on every issue, but different viewpoints, that work together, make a healthier and creative world around us. If a blind man has a desire to become a certified Yoga teacher, who ha...more
Yoga Teacher Certification or Registration - Part 1
... There have been some recent changes within the certifying bodies who train Yoga teachers. Here are some of the most common questions and answers in regard to Yoga credentials and regulations.Why should a Yoga teacher be certified? What about established Yoga teachers who don’t have a diploma? What is the “right’’...more
Yoga for Beginners - Useful Tips for Beginners
... Practice on a carpet or a mat sufficient for you to stretch out on. Have a central point, such as a painting you especially enjoy or a pretty plant, for balancing exercises that require a fixed look. It is usually suggested that yoga be performed on an empty stomach, prior to a full meal or at least an hour or two after eating. Evade stimulating poses during the evening. ...more
Hatha Yoga - Get Physical!
...ferent forms of Yoga and, for the beginner, this can be confusing. Which form should he/she choose? Exactly what are the benefits of each type of Yoga form? Well, you can't go far wrong with 'Hatha Yoga'. It is very much like normal Yoga, involving:1. Stretches and poses.2. Can bring relief from stress and anxiety.3. It will help you to achieve greater levels of concentration.4...more
Beginning Yoga Guidelines
...culty venturing to vegetarianism, try consuming lesser foods.Begin by breathing deeply – The yoga poses (or asanas) usually start in breathing slowly and deeply as you concentrate your mind and make yourself centered. Remember that your body movements and breathing must be coordinated until such time that they are united. Your breathing also serves as your guide on when to start or st...more


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