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Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Yoga Posture - Downward-Facing Dog the brain, and rejuvenates the whole body.Holding this pose for a minute or longer will stimulate and restore energy levels when you are tired. Regular practice of this yoga posture will gently stimulate the nervous system, improving memory and concentration.The Downward-Facing Dog yoga posture is highly to be praised for so many benefits. However, there are som...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Yoga on the Ball
...not for everyone, but the stability balls, and a wall, make it possible for everyone. With a stability ball, beginner Hatha Yoga students can gain the benefits of Chakrasana for minutes.Just this one pose is fantastic for improving elasticity of the spine and your daily posture. It is also said that this posture gently stretches the heart, pancreas, liver, and k...more
Music Review of YogaMotion - White Swan Yoga Masters Volume 4
...ite Swan Yoga Masters Vol. 4 takes the listener on a most extraordinary journey. With over 77 minutes of music, by the time you're finished moving your body to this delicious selection of tracks, you'll be ready for a break.As is often the case with great compilations, one of the joys of Yoga Motion is the...more
Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 4
...reed.Think of “The Middle Way” as taught by Siddhartha Gautama, also known as “The Buddha.” He taught avoidance of extremes; whether it is pleasure or pain. When you stop hating, you are releasing your own pain from within the depths of your soul. So, you are forgiving, but you are also releasing the burden of hate.Remember also that when you give in to hate, greed, fear, and guilt; the consequ...more
Yoga Instructor Training - The Importance of Clear Communication
...r does not bother to communicate, assist, or make eye contact, a student may get the feeling he or she has become one of the outermost parts of the class.This is a difficult situation for students, as they want recognition for their efforts. In life, this is what most of us want, from the moment we are born. There are...more


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