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Yoga in Practice: The Impact of Yoga Teachers on Society - Part 1
...r constitution. If a Yoga student wants to pursue this subject further, he or she can take a dosha test and develop a sensible, practical, and moderate Ayurvedic diet.Kriyas or Shatkarmas are traditional Yogic cleansing techniques for detoxifying the body. Detoxification is needed more than ever - with so many unnatural foods available. At the very least, student...more
Yoga For Kids
...Kids Our children today are subjected to a lot of stress factors. There is homework that they have to do daily, the competition from other children, after school game activities and sometimes over-scheduling from parents.And just like us adults these children need something relaxing to turn to and that Yoga could just be that instrument.Yoga for kids helps then develop better awareness of ...more
Practice Yoga with the Best of Intentions
... Yoga class.We’ve all heard stories of different cases of abuse, by anyone in authority. The problem is not the training – it’s the inherent lack of common sense and compassion. Most people grow into a Yoga teaching position just fine, while a rare few develop “petty dictator syndrome.”It’s amazing what people will justify, and then, insist their acts were done with the best of...more
Benefiting From Your Yoga Practice an extremely popular form of exercise, but depending on the form you practice, can be exciting or calming, social or meditative, energizing or relaxing. No matter which of these best describes your yoga class, here are a few tips to help you get the most out of every class you attend.* Go to yoga class...more
Yoga For Health in terms of diet and medical supplements. This will slow down aging process. Following are ways of achieving a long and healthy life.The word 'kaya' means body and 'kalpa' means stone. The meaning of 'kayakalpa' is to sturdy as a rock and ageless. Some good kalpa herbs are Ginger, Date Palm, Tulsi, Lemon, etc. Kalpa drugs are manufactured from inorga...more
